IG Operation and Maintenance S.p.A (IG O&M S.p.A.) boasts a consolidated technical and organizational experience acquired in forty years of activity in the Operation and Maintenance of plants in the Oil&Gas, Aeronautical and Pharmaceutical sectors; in the production of energy from conventional and renewable sources; in the construction of infrastructures in Italy and abroad, both in the civil and military fields.
Thanks to the relevant experience also in terms of engineering skills, IG O&M S.p.A. is able to provide its Clients with a high added value in the operation and maintenance of complex industrial plants in order to improve their performance and efficiency.
We base our work on passion, competence, appreciation of people and respect for the environment.
The expertise and continuous dialogue with our Clients and partners allow us to operate as a General Contractor, in compliance with the technical-organizational needs and the strategic-operational objectives of all the stakeholders and companies involved.